If synchronicity has led you to this website and you fall into one of the following categories, please introduce yourself and tell us your story. A 3 minute monologue for those of you that can. For everyone else, please limit your story to one page. You will receive a response when the timing is correct for you.


    1.    You are participating in the hybridization program, and would like to Serve for this movement as it pertains to the Children. This includes the current Starseeds being born on the planet and also the Yay’yel. This will revolve around your passions and creative talents.

    2.    You understand that you are a creator and are participating in this movement. You are called to Serve your time and specific talents regarding, but not limited; to the following: Organization, Community, Technology, Construction, Agriculture, Teaching, Financial Management, Financial Donations, etc.

    3.    You have already fused with your future self and understand that you are called to Serve on either the advisory council, or to have a leadership role at one of the sanctuaries.